BREAKING OCTOBER 5 2012 Pedophile Joris Demmink Hearing Washington

Published on Oct 5, 2012 by 

Unsalted trial case hearing regarding the Dutch Secretary General
(Justice Dept.) JORIS DEMMINK.
Not a boring hearing but loaded, explosive, and informative backgrounds concerning this pedophile who holds The Netherlands hostage for numerous amounts of years.

Dutch reporter and whistleblower Micha Kat has equally been detained and pestered for exposing these horrible facts.
Now, on this October day in 2012, the lid of this mega-stinking-overflowing-sceptic tank is blown skyhigh and the world can now absorb all the dark information that has been avoided, ignored and rediculed for many years.

Latest information is there will be a second hearing.
This Joris Demmink character works closely together with queen Beatrix, a.k.a. Bilderberg Bea.
Not surprisingly in the hearing came forward, it was known but now confirmed, there is an existance of at least two videotapes from Joris Demmink abusing children sexually in Turkey on one of his many visits to this country and an even more horrible SNUFF movie taken on a boat in the Czech Republic (Prague) where 13 year old Manuel Schadwald died of his injuries while sexually abused. (This snuffer carried the name 'Czech Boys Under The Bridge' (Tsjechische Jongens Onder de Brug) and is heavily sought after and will appear eventually.)
This information has been stated in this hearing.
(The name of the boat on which this movie was taken is called 'Apollo'.)

Over the years many victims of Joris Demmink came forward and in many cases, files were charged to bring Demmink to Justice.
But since Joris Demmink holds the highest position within the Dutch Justice Department he wiped every case from the table and threatened the plaintiffs in some cases with their deaths.






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