Yom Yom Mr Cameron &Syria

he must have not gone with masonic script re Syria and is being punished "Mr. Cameron’s trip comes as he is seeking to shore up support for the U.K.’s participation in airstrikes in Syria against Islamic State. The government has said it would move toward participating in Syria airstrikes if there is political consensus to do, a sign of building momentum for increased military action."
David Camerons Masonic ( not Jewish) ritual is a signal and a distraction to those not in the know ... Who is the PIG symbolic of ? The Gentile's ...The 13th was the Feast of Trumpets signalling a call warning to repent, yom kippur the 23rd is also known as Day of Atonement, is the holiest day of the year in Judaism. Looks like its time to roast the pig on a spit?


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