Seen in David's Blog dated November 7 2012 David mentions Bill's information on Time lines and Looking glass. However you will be amazed at the fact that when Bill hand wrote David a letter asking for his help getting the word out. A letter David did not even respond to me after I sent him it. In this letter Bill had requested we come together and post his letter. This bothers me David !!!!! Link to David's Blog Divine Cosmos TIMELINE 1 AND TIMELINE 2 The problem is that since 1983, any use of Looking Glass flip-flops between "Timeline 1", which seems to be a powerful metaphysical transformation of Earth, and "Timeline 2," in which everything is buried under 20 feet of mud after an apparent pole shift. The tipping-point between these two timelines was determined to be on or around December 21, 2012. This was discovered all the way back in the early 1980s, based on several sources, including Daniel. Powerful server farms of c...