Brad Pitt as "The Operators"

You have to think like winners to perceive it! 

And Netflix is the new Amazon! With the amount of amazing documentary's from Kirby Dick to the new line up deal signed by Brad Pitt to bring Michael Hastings Book "The Operator's" to screen in War Machine.

"Beverly Hills, June 8, 2015-The Netflix Original film,War Machine, A provocative satirical (?) comedy from David Michod with Brad Pitt set to the star in the leading role, will be exclusively available to members of the leading internet TV service globally and in select theaters next available to members of the leading internet TV service globally and in the select theaters next year"*Source-->Here

"Netflix Actually Paid $60M for Brad Pitt's War Machine"*Source--> Here

NetFlix is making huge waves in streaming and EVERYONE is taking notice. So why should you care about War Machine? Well you do know who Michael Hastings is? Non? Oh let's review shall we then.
Shortly before his death

"Michael Hastings, whose car left a straight segment of a Los Angeles street at a high speed, jumped the median, hit a tree, and blew up. Our original report described anomalies of the crash and surrounding events that suggest cutting-edge foul play—that an external hacker could have taken control of Hastings’s car in order to kill him. If this sounds too futuristic, a series of recent technical revelations has proven that “car hacking” is entirely possible. The latest just appeared this week." See -->Source*

"At the time of his death, Hastings had been working on a story about CIA Director John Brennan. The president of Strategic Forecasting Inc. (“Stratfor”), a CIA contract global intelligence firm, has described Brennan in secret emails as someone on a “witch hunt” of investigative journalists." and "At the time of Hastings’ death, counterterrorism expert Richard Clarke told The Huffington Post that it was possible that Hastings’ car had been hacked; that the known details of the crash were consistent with a car cyber attack." See---> Source*

Not to mention other NetFlix shows to name a few:

Orange is the New Black  The creator of OINB Seen here today on C-Span 


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