Snowden Left Home Alone

After Two Years, White House Finally Responds to Snowden Pardon Petition — With a “No”

See Intercept Article July 28, 2015 here --->Snowden Left Home Alone

In June 2013, NSA contractor Edward Snowden decided to blow the whistle on the Contracted Booz Allen Hamilton agency’s entrusted mass surveillance data FOR the NSA. For most of us non agency or non contracted agency civilians Booz Allen Hamilton having all our privet communications would be some what disturbing however lets make sure the full weight of what this means hits home. What this means is having complete control of everyone's privet messages emails phone calls text messages was way way way too much data for the NSA to go through so they farmed it out to a public company to sort for them. 

Can WE please take a minuet and put this in to perspective ... in 1990 when Home Alone first came out Edward Snowden was 7 years old... 7 ! That year a movie came out that really showed how badly CORPORATE consumer driven society has impacted parenting and shines a light on how far we have come when a family accidentally leaves their 8 year old and abandons him to defend his home alone. So was corporate consumer addiction the problem or agency family life exposure what cased little Kevin to have to grow up so quick to defend his HOME ALONE??? 


IMDB ;" Kevin McCallister an 8-year old trouble maker must protect his home from a pair of burglars when he is accidentally left home alone by his family during Christmas????? "
Predictive programming may have been trying to warn us ... Just saying, I for one will say every child that watched that movie was glad Kevin was classified a quote "trouble maker" for defending him self his home and all he valued - better then becoming a ritual child sacrifice or snuff film victim #SORRY NOT SORRY 

Now to be fair Snowden could not and did not do this on his own and the truth is there were teams of people all around the world coming together to ensure Snowden found safe passage and these people will never be known for their brave work or at least for a long time.

Bill and I and the entire Brockbrader support network just happen to be among the people who helped all be it unbeknownst. See Bill's May 2015 Vlog update regarding this here 
This Data that Snowden took is proof that  American's well no, NOT just AMERICAN's everyone's data   ( i.e. the rest of the world Rothschild satellites com)  most private conversations,  business negotiations, intellectual property and emails. SO TELL me how is there not going to be insider trading when you have privet non governmental contractors sorting through everyone's communications. We are not dealing with agency protocols or military chain of command here we are talking privet FOR PROFIT CORPORATE CONTROL OF ALL DATA ... 
Most dreaded of all everyone's Naked Selfie!!! Hence and mean while we are being distracted by this predictive this programming ...No wonder there are so many sex scandals and sex tapes - right celebrities phones are tapped and they have no privacy and we think that is entertainment RIGHT?

 Instead we are being distracted from the real --->  DICK PIC PROGRAM 

My point is that all of our lives through electronics has been being handed over to a privet COMPANY a  NGO (Non Government Organization) .  Snowden simply saw we the people were being left home alone and at the very least thought we should know .... so he reached in to files and extracted mass amounts of proof that other wise we would never have had any proof of. 

Ask Duncan Campbell what that is like??? RT News link Here

After making his way out the back door of  Booz Allen Hamilton he handed his terabit that is  an archive of documents to journalist Glenn Greenwald. When the US government revoked his passport, stranding him in Moscow’s airport, Snowden applied for asylum in Russia, where he has lived since. On July 29,2015 Ed Snowden or for all we care  Kevin McCallister was left in Russia after having not only defending his Constitution and home all alone but having to flee his home for safety!!  The Minivan Moms should be up in arms by now because ask yourself this what programming is being dished out for your children NOW and if we allow this to happen to one now aka Snowden NOW, what are we agreeing to happen to our children in 20 years ?! 


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