Hard Harry & Mr Robot Pump up the Volume

Hacker drama? Are we talking a True Romance esc reality show of what became of Acid Burn and Zero Cool?

Yea sort of...If you have a pulse and have not yet checked out the new TV show "MR. ROBOT" you can get caught up on Putlocker (CAUTION yes there are pop ups)  here ---> Click

In the wake of  The White House denying Edward Snowden a Pardon See ---HERE 
The opening scene of Mr. Robot really hits home why it is so fucking ludicrous that with all the ability the NSA has had with Prism to infiltrate EVERYONE on the planets data why is it that its been so difficult to put an end to CHILD PORNOGRAPHY and CHILD PEDOPHILIA unless the NSA is not interested in putting a stop to it AT ALL and it really does take men like Mr. Snowden to STOP this predatory upper ECHELON of corruption. 


Say's click --->WIRED.com 

Mr Robot is a show about basiclly what Bill signed up for before he met me and  what he was involved with since 2008 . You can hear Bill recal in deatail  here--> "Main1" video

Pump Up the Hard Harry

Mr Robot


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